Tuesday, August 4, 2009

100 Girls

100 Girls was a movie I found on the "Instant Suggestions" section of Netflix, read some reviews from users like me and decided to give it a shot (I was having trouble falling asleep so I figured that if I fell asleep that I wouldn't be too upset in the morning). I was however pleasantly surprised at this story.

It is rated R and does have some lewdness to it, but for a teen movie made in the early 2000s it does speak a lot of truth to the male/female relationship and how both sexes interact with each other. And does end that does help us look past stereotypes or even look past ourselves when interacting with others. And so for a relatively unknown movie, it was worth my time and was enjoyable...probably wouldn't watch it again, and I doubt anyone would confuse it for an academy award winning film, but I enjoyed it, as well as seeing Emmanuelle Chriqui (who I know best from Entourage).

"He met the girl of his dreams. Now if only he could meet her again." This is the tag line for the movie. So, I invite you to check this movie out if you have time, I wouldn't necessarily run out and buy it, however, if you have ever had a relationship or interaction with the opposite sex you'll find something to relate to in this movie.

And also my personal recommendation is to not let the lewdness deter you from viewing this, because it does have a solid message and is worth it if you stick it out.

3 stars.


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