Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dead Poets Society

This was another movie inspired by my sister: she [sometimes] has good taste in movies...primarily if they come from the 80s, which is where Dead Poets Society made its debut.

Now to start this all of I am a HUGE Robin Williams fan.

Moving on to my second point, I remembered bits and pieces of the VHS version of this that my sister used to watch but I was too young that the message of the film went way over my head and I think I never made it past the part where they sneak off into the woods with their hoods on because it got too scary for me...I think. Either that or it wasn't Aladdin so that was immediately a negative for my young self.

See the Robin Williams pattern showing up here...the Genie...I thought so.

While we're off topic how much did Return of Jafar suck without Robin Williams.

Yeah. I know.

Also, we all know that Steve from Full House was the voice of Aladdin, right?


Now...where were we? Oh yes.

I am so glad that this was my first full glimpse at Dead Poets Society and even if it wasn't looking at it after a few years of college I think have maximized my appreciation for this film. (Of course it also didn't hurt that I had an English teacher who was some version of the actual Robin Williams) But this is someone that anyone that is in college, is going to college, or has gone to college really should watch because I think it speaks a lot to keeping an open mind and really becoming who you are outside of your parents or what the collective group is telling you to be.

Maybe its because I'm following my own passions/hopes/dreams out to California and my parents support that decision that I am thankful for after watching this movie. Maybe its because Neil (who I SWORE was a young Jim fact I kinda still believe it) found his passion in acting...something that is close to my heart and I was able to relate to him on that level. But this movie speaks to all of that and more. It is within it self a piece of art that tells you to look at art and take from it what you will...and not what others are telling you that it means.

Anyway I would highly recommend this film as a fine piece of work to come out of the 80s

4.5 stars


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mystery Men

Mystery Men was recommended to me based off a quote that was quoted in the admissions office and it ended up with me borrowing it and watching it (it helped that I was in a Ben Stiller mood) and it took me almost to the end until I vaguely remember seeing a trailer for this movie back in the day.

Mystery Men is making fun of the typical superhero movie (or at least what they used to be...with new starts to Batman, Ironman, and The Hulk I think superhero/comic book hero movies have gained leaps and bounds from where they were in the 90s - which '99 is when Mystery Men hit theatres.

The movie stars 2 comedians (Stiller, Hank Azaria) and 1 William H Macy (who I am convinced is CSI Miami's David Caruso with a mustache alter ego but they are two seperate people...) anyway, the overall story of this movie wasn't really entertaining, I'm not sure what it was but it never really hooked me. With that said its worth it to watch it once because it does have its fair share of one-liners that did have me cracking up at certain moments.

It did have a nice moment at the end, but for a comedy - there is much better Ben Stiller work out there. Watching it reminds me why I didn't run out and see it as a youngster. But it does have some quality one liners.

Simple humor, 2.5 stars


He's Just Not That Into You

He's Just Not That Into You

*Disclaimer: I watched this with a group and do not watch chick flicks by myself...that often

So this movie I don't really have much to say about, and I realize that I am not the intended target for this genre (but usually there is something bearable about these movies to a guy) but even the females of the group that watched this agree that this was not what any real female of the age they were representing actually acted like (and all the ones in our lives do not act like they were portrayed in this movie)

My reaction seemed to be watching the actions of a middle-schooler in an adult world...which is not exactly what they were going for I don't think. There was also a random set up to the structure of the movie which didn't seem to fit either cutting away in a documentary-style interviews which whom I assumed to be "real-people" because they didn't show up in the story but were actors I'm sure.

This was one film where Ben Affleck didn't annoy me so it had that going for it, and Justin Long (he's a mac) wasn't horrible either, but for the amount of big names in this movie I would have expected a lot more then what it had to offer: (ie Drew Berrymore trying to find love over MySpace...really??). Maybe it was a bad adaptation from the book but the major plot storyline was predictable (and other parts were semi-predictable) and took far to long to develop. Maybe that's the intent of the chick flick genre but I've seen a lot better

A generous 1.5 stars


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Pink Panther 2

I'll admit I was very excited for Pink Panther 2 as I am a huge Steve Martin fan (probably from many viewings of Father of the Bride thanks to my sister and her control of the VCR as children. But I am a huge fan of the original remake of the Pink Panther as well as the originals (which I admit I am less familiar with but did view a few during my childhood as they were a part of the library collection that I was a frequent visitor to.

This movie however was a little bit of a letdown from my expectations (perhaps because I enjoyed the first one so much, or maybe it was just harder to recapture the magic of the first film in the it often is in a sequel. I felt like this movie tried to capitalize on the success of bits in the first movie as well as had a little more in it to gear it toward a younger audience.

Aside from that I did find myself laughing thoughout the movie, there was plenty of physical humor and Martin's ridiculous French accent which provided for many verbal jokes and I still truly enjoyed much of the humor in this sequel, however it didn't pack as much punch as the first. It also had a slightly more predictable storyline, however I feel like this movie is made more about the comedy rather than the mystery and whodunnit elements.

John Cleese replaces Kevin Kline in the role of Cheif Inspector Dreyfus which took me a little bit too long to figure out that it was just an actor replacement and not a new character in the story. Once I figured that out I enjoyed Cleese in the role very much.

All in all, a very light-hearted movie that will provide you with plenty of laughs! But if I'm going to watch a Pink Panther movie multiple times it would be the first Steve Martin one or some of the originals.

3.5 stars


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

100 Girls

100 Girls was a movie I found on the "Instant Suggestions" section of Netflix, read some reviews from users like me and decided to give it a shot (I was having trouble falling asleep so I figured that if I fell asleep that I wouldn't be too upset in the morning). I was however pleasantly surprised at this story.

It is rated R and does have some lewdness to it, but for a teen movie made in the early 2000s it does speak a lot of truth to the male/female relationship and how both sexes interact with each other. And does end that does help us look past stereotypes or even look past ourselves when interacting with others. And so for a relatively unknown movie, it was worth my time and was enjoyable...probably wouldn't watch it again, and I doubt anyone would confuse it for an academy award winning film, but I enjoyed it, as well as seeing Emmanuelle Chriqui (who I know best from Entourage).

"He met the girl of his dreams. Now if only he could meet her again." This is the tag line for the movie. So, I invite you to check this movie out if you have time, I wouldn't necessarily run out and buy it, however, if you have ever had a relationship or interaction with the opposite sex you'll find something to relate to in this movie.

And also my personal recommendation is to not let the lewdness deter you from viewing this, because it does have a solid message and is worth it if you stick it out.

3 stars.
